Special Offer for Gastronomy Weeks at Tromba Rija

Exclusive Offer for Facebook Fans

拉丁美洲美食嘉年華已經正式開始,第一週 烏拉圭美食週🇺🇾 由名廚 Bruno Imbert 坐鎮。Bruno 曾在2018年世界杯足球賽期間參與在莫斯科舉行的烏拉圭文化活動及2019年巴西舉行的巴西烏拉圭兩國美食與葡萄酒節中作為官方代表圑成員之一。快來皇家葡萄餚感受 Bruno 對美食的那份熱情與專業。
現正舉行粉絲尊享優惠,即日起至10月17日跟著以下步驟,即可以優惠價澳門幣238元正享用皇家葡萄餚烏拉圭美食週自助晚餐 (原價為澳門幣288+元)!
1) 點讚 "Tromba Rija Macau 皇家葡萄餚" FACEBOOK專頁
2) 分享此帖文(設定為公開)
3) 點擊連結預訂: https://bit.ly/2MwZ58s

Latin American Food Festival has already started! The first week comes to The Uruguayan Gastronomy Week 🇺🇾, we have invited the Guest Chef Bruno Imbert from Uruguay to prepare you the dinner buffet.
Chef Bruno Imbert participated in the official Uruguay Week in Moscow during the 2018 World Cup, and was part of the official group of the “A Ferro e Fogo” lunch of the Binational Enogastronomy Festival in 2019
👇🏻Don’t miss out on the exclusive offer for Facebook Fans only
From now on until 17 Oct, follow the few steps below, you may get special price MOP238 to enjoy the Latin American Food Festival dinner buffet at Tromba Rija (Original Price: MOP288+)
1) LIKE The Tromba Rija Macau FACEBOOK page
2) SHARE this post (post setting as “Public”)
3) Make your reservation at https://bit.ly/2MwZ58s